21. Potsdam Conference - Presentation by CSC
Activated carbon in flue gas cleaning: Current trends and perspectives

21. Potsdam Conference from 28 February to 1 March 2024
Our Carbon Service team took part in the Potsdam conference again this year.
The focus of the event was on the prospects and possibilities for optimising thermal waste and residual material treatment. The programme included many interesting presentations for operators, authorities, suppliers and plant manufacturers from this sector.
This year, our technical engineer Laura Krutt and our application engineer Dr Phillip Bendix gave a presentation on "Activated carbon in flue gas cleaning - current trends and prospects" and provided the audience with new knowledge. Using process examples and options for action, the two showed how the new Hg limit values according to the 17th BImSchV can be complied with in the future.
If you are interested in this theme, please feel free to contact us.
We would also like to thank Mr Lutz-Peter Nethe for the great event.