water purification

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water purification

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water purification

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water purification

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    Organic trace substances such as hormones, pharmaceutical residues or substances derived from household products are increasingly polluting our water. Dealing with these materials is problematic as they are very difficult indeed to remove from the waste water using customary water purification methods. As a result of bioaccumulation and persistence they can be found in almost all forms of water (effluents, ground water and drinking water).

    However, these undesirable micropollutants can be effectively adsorbed using activated carbon. As a consequence, many conventional sewage treatment plants are extending their existing three-stage treatment process to include a fourth stage. Either powdered activated carbon (PAC) or granulated activated carbon (GAC) is used depending on the relevant local and technical constraints on the sewage treatment plant.


    CSC has been involved in the elimination of trace elements for many years, and as far back as 2011 worked with RWTH Aachen University in investigating which of the activated carbon properties are key in the capture of trace elements from effluents. The starting point for this investigation was that classic adsorption figures for the characterization of activated carbons (such as BET, iodine value, methylene blue values) permit only very limited conclusions to be drawn about the performance of trace element capture from waste water.

    Based on our experience, we have developed activated carbons which achieve a very high level of micropollutant elimination, and which are now used on a large scale in many sewage treatment plants. Today, our CSC activated carbon pharmA-Clean is an established product, particularly in the field of powdered activated carbons, and is listed as an approved product by the German Micropollutants Competence Centre (Kompetenzzentrum Spurenstoffe, KomS) and the EAWAG (the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology), among others.

    We have expanded our in-house laboratory with waste water analysis equipment specifically to ensure a consistently high product quality.
    With our corporate focus on sustainability we are working preferentially on the basis of renewable, biogenic resources.



    • CSC-Activated Carbon pharmA-Clean
    • CSC-Activated Carbon HCFB

    Air and water are often polluted by industrial manufacturing processes.

    Dissolved organic carbons, poorly biodegradable molecules, suspended particles and dyes from manufacturing processes demand solutions allowing the official limit values to be met.

    Adsorption is ideal for this task thanks to its physical, highly non-specific effect on adsorbable organic compounds which causes it to function at a fundamental level. Economic viability demands that the question of the achievable level of pollutant adsorption by the activated carbon has to be clarified in each individual case.

    We have suitable activated carbons in our portfolio - please tell us about your specific application and we will look for a solution with you.



    • CSC-Activated Carbon HC 500 / 700 / 900
    • CSC-Activated Carbon HCK 1050
    • CSC-Activated Carbon HCFB
    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHC (powder)

    We supply activated carbon and filter carbons, along with filter anthracite, designed specifically for the filtration of suspended particles and the adsorption of combined chlorine, THM, AOX, etc., for use in the treatment of swimming pool water:


    Filtercarbon, coal-based for combined filtration / adsorption purposes

    Compared to the lignite-based substances normally used for the purpose, these coal-based carbon filter products offer the following advantages:
      - reduced elution (e.g. brown staining of the water)
      - increased BET and iodine content, favoring a higher inner surface area for the acceptance of adsorbable substances
      - remains pH-neutral
      - abrasion-resistant
      - meets the requirements of DIN 2000, DIN 19643, DIN EN 12902, DIN EN 12907 and DIN EN 12915-1, as well as the requirements of the DVGW (German Association of Gas and Water Experts) worksheet W213.


    •    CSC-Filtercarbon 500+



    Basic-Filtermaterial made from anthrcaite for pure filtration

    This filter anthracite has no adsorptive properties and is used only for the filtration of suspended particles. Meets the requirements of DIN 2000, DIN 19643, DIN EN 12902 and DIN EN 12909, as well as the requirements of the DVGW (German Association of Gas and Water Experts) worksheet W213.


    •    CSC-Filter-Anthracite N


    Activated Carbon coal-based for combined filtration / adsorption purposes

    This activated coal-based carbon for combined filtration / adsorption purposes has an increased inner surface area of approximately 850 m²/g, and is used in multi-layer and bypass filters.   


    •    CSC-Activated Carbon HC900


    Activated Carbon obtained from coconut shells for combined filtration / adsorption purposes

    This coconut-shell based activated carbon, which offers a very high inner surface area of approximately 1,000 m²/g, is used in multi-layer and bypass filters.


    •    CSC-Activated Carbon HCK1050 


    Water needs to pass through a series of processing stages in order to meet the various regulations and directives applying to drinking water. This includes requirements in the following areas:

    •    conformity to standards of odor and taste
    •    optical appearance, color and clarity
    •    removal of impurities of all kinds e.g. oxidant residues

    Activated carbon, activated coke and filter anthracite all contribute to ensure the achievement of these goals. We offer various quality grades and ranges of particle size which can be selected as required in consultation with you. It is also possible, in the interest of (extra-fine) particle removal, to optimize filter performance with individually customized grain sizes.



    Our activated carbons and anthracites comply with the European standards DIN EN 12915 and 12909 “Products used for the treatment of water intended for human consumption”.


    • CSC-Activated Carbon HCK    
    • CSC-Activated Carbon HCFB
    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHC HK
    • CSC-Filter-Anthracite N

    As a certified specialist waste management company, we are qualified to take back your spent granulated activated carbon for regeneration. Our site at Vettweiss is equipped with a regeneration plant for this purpose.

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    Insight into our R&D work: reactivation of GAK using microwave radiation

    As the physical adsorption is basically reversible, activated carbons can be regenerated by desorption. In the research project ReMik we have therefore investigated the possibility of reactivating activated carbons by microwave radiation in connection with the elimination of trace substances from drinking and waste water.

    Is your ideal product missing from the list? 

    Configure your activated carbon here and we will find the right solution for you!

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