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gas purification

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gas purification

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    Activated carbons made from lignite coke have been used for many years for the removal of micropollutants such as dioxins, furans and heavy metals (particularly mercury) from combustion flue gases of waste and sewage sludge incinerators. Both moving bed and fixed bed adsorbers with granular products and entrained-flow systems with powdered carbons are established processes for maintaining emission limits.

    During discussions with operators we learned at an early stage that the activated cokes and carbons available in the market at that time were unable to meet customer’s requirements in full. We have succeeded in developing technically improved adsorbents with which our customers are able to operate both more efficiently and more sustainably:


    ENTRAINED-FLOW PROCESS: Combined PCDD/F and Hg capture

    Our basic adsorbent for combined dioxin, furan and mercury removal is impregnated with sulfuric acid and the mechanism of chemisorption allows to achieve enhanced mercury capture. In addition, our manufacturing process produces a reduced carbon footprint and a higher auto-ignition temperature.

    These technical advantages ensure a fundamentally improved emission reduction and plant safety. 


    • CSC-Activated Coke PBR




    ENTRAINED-FLOW PROCESS: Hg peak removal

    We offer a range of specially activated carbons in powder form with highly efficient chemical impregnations for the adsorptive removal of mercury peaks. Depending on the application, we treat our activated carbons with sulfur, sulfuric acid, bromine or special precipitates in our own impregnation plants.
    We are happy to advise you on the challenging subject of heavy metal capture. We have the necessary mobile testing facilities (more information about out test equipment is available here).



    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHCS
    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHC Br
    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHC Sele




    MOVING AND FIXED BED ADSORBERS: Combined PCDD/F and Hg capture

    We have specially developed carbons for applications with granular products in moving and fixed bed absorbers; these activated carbons have a larger grain size (2.5 - 8 mm) and therefore induce a much-reduced pressure loss. This, in combination with a higher level of activation, enables the mode of operation to be changed from a mode based on pressure loss to a contamination-driven operation. This optimized mode of operation enables our customers to achieve significant cost savings and, at the same time, to reduce hot spots.


    • CSC-Actiavted Carbon 2,5-8
    • CSC-Activated Coke 2,5-8



    > 200

    incinerators in Europe are already operating with our improved activated cokes and carbons


    When reducing dioxin emissions in the steel industry, for example in electric arc steelworks, iron ore sintering plants and manufacturing processes involving filter dusts containing metallic particles, it is particularly important to focus on fire and explosion prevention. The safety of these applications can only be guaranteed by the use of specially formulated activated carbons.
    We have developed heat-treated carbons specially for these applications; these carbons exhibit significantly advantageous combustion and self-ignition properties compared with the products previously available in the market.


    • CSC-Activated Coke PBR 
    • CSC-Activated Coke PRG


    > 200

    incinerators in Europe are already operating with our improved activated cokes and carbons.

    The reduction of mercury emissions is becoming increasingly important in cement production. In particular, compliance with emission limit values is hardly possible for cement plants operating with secondary fuels and existing systems engineering. Current discussions on the enforcement and tightening of limit values as well as the expected limits in the fuel market highlight the need to find environmentally compatible answers without further delay.
    The installation of a dosing system for the injection of powdered activated carbon into the exhaust gas represents a cost-effective solution for compliance with emission requirements. CSC has a range of references in the field of Hg capture using specially impregnated activated carbons in powder form. The targeted capture generates no deleterious effects on the quality of the cement. 


    We have mobile dosing systems for powdered activated carbon (PAC) which we would be pleased to make available for trials. Further information about out test equipment is available here.


    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHC Br
    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHCS
    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHC Sele

    Biogas plants use a fermentation process to produce methane from substrates for energy generation. But fermenters also produce hydrogen sulfide as well as methane. Although this is only present in biogas to a very limited degree, it can nevertheless cause major damage to the plant and equipment. Sulfuric acid is produced when hydrogen sulfide is burnt in combination with oxygen and water, resulting in corrosion in the combined heat and power plant and acidification of the oil.


    The use of impregnated/doped cylindrical-shaped activated carbons has become established practice in the removal of hydrogen sulfide from raw gas. Our CSC activated carbon H2S-CatCh offers biogas producers a product which is optimized for fine desulfurization. When manufacturing this product, we only use raw materials with an extended inner surface to ensure excellent sulfur adsorption properties. A special form of impregnation results in the hydrogen sulfide being transformed into elemental sulfur by a catalytic process which is closely bonded with the surface of the activated carbon, thus meeting the conditions necessary for a long service life and the lowest possible operating costs for the activated carbon filter.



    Direct injection biogas plants must also remove the ammonia from the biogas. We supply our CSC activated carbon HCP10 4Z for this application, which rounds off our product range for biogas treatment.


    Depending on the specific focus, these two types of activated carbon can be combined in a cascade configuration or layered filling of an adsorber.

    Our activated carbons are available in big bags (1 m³ / 500 kg) or 25 kg bags.



    • CSC-Activated Carbon H2S-CatCh    
    • CSC-Activated Carbon HCP10 4Z

    All forms of coal and lignite naturally contain small quantities of mercury which cause corresponding emissions during power generation in power stations. A particular result of the large volumes of flue gas discharged from power stations is that they are major emission sources, and the reduction of these mercury emissions requires corresponding know-how.

    A very efficient and cost-effective solution for removing mercury from flue gas is presented by the use of powdered activated carbons (PAC). By using our products and know-how we succeed in complying with the world’s most stringent emission limit values defined in the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards (MATS). The BAT (Best Available Technology) as defined by the EU Commission and the Umweltbundesamt (German Environmental Agency) is a matter of course for us and part of our everyday working life.


    Impregnated powdered activated carbons in the entrained-flow process

    The use of specially impregnated powdered activated carbons in the entrained-flow process represents the most widely used technology for cleaning flue gas. Mercury capture is significantly improved by the chemical impregnation, as the Hg atom in its compound forms reacts with this chemical and therefore becomes fixed (chemisorption). Impregnations with sulfuric acid and bromide salts have proved their worth as the volatile mercury compounds convert to solid mercury compounds inside the pores of the activated carbon. The loaded PAC is then removed from the gas flow by fabric filters or electrostatic filters.

    We have been familiar with this problem for many years in the field of waste incineration in which chemisorption processes (basic or peak separation) are also used for mercury capture. We have been known for years as the market leader for this process. Our impregnated powdered activated carbons have proved themselves technically and achieve excellent capture performance even when heavily contaminated.


    Thanks to our modern production facilities we are flexible in our ability to cater for the requirements of your specific plants (e.g. basic carbon, fineness of grind, impregnation, etc.). We look forward to discussing your technical needs with you.


    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHC Br
    • CSC-Activated CarbonPHC S
    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHC Sele


    Powdered activated carbon additions in the scrubber

    One supplement to the entrained-flow process is the possibility of separating the Hg atoms in the wet scrubber. In this process the combination of a low pH value and the addition of activated carbon as an additive produce a reduction of mercury emissions. This application requires particular properties in the powdered activated carbon. Working in collaboration with our customers, we have developed a very effective adsorbent material.


    • CSC-Activated Carbon PHC HgW

    Odor-generating substances and other harmful organic gases created by production processes are normally present only in very small concentrations and for fluctuating periods of time. They are often not precisely definable in terms of their composition and may also consist of multi-component mixtures. The process of their removal is therefore not a standard procedure but rather a detailed task that has to be configured for each individual case.

    Adsorption is ideal for this task, thanks to its physical, highly non-specific effect on adsorbable organic compounds which causes it to function at a fundamental level. The issue regarding the target level of pollutant adsorption by the activated carbon is clarified in each individual case on the basis of economic viability.

    We have suitable activated carbons in our portfolio - please tell us about your specific application and we will look for a solution with you.


    • CSC-Activated Carbon HCZ4 1000
    • CSC-Activated Carbon HC500 2,5-8

    As a certified specialist waste management company, we are qualified to take back your spent granulated activated carbon for regeneration. Our site at Vettweiss is equipped with a regeneration plant for this purpose.

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